communication data system
- communication data system
система передачи данных
windshield antiicing system — противообледенительная система
wideband communication system — широкополосная система связи
web system of framing — система набора с рамными шпангоутами
water to oxygen system — система добывания кислорода из воды
warehouse locator system — система учета предметов на складе
English-Russian base dictionary .
Смотреть что такое "communication data system" в других словарях:
Radio Data System — Le Radio Data System (RDS) est un service de transmission de données numériques en parallèle des signaux audio de la radio FM en bande II. Notamment, le RDS permet l écoute d une station sans interruption lors d un déplacement, en prenant en… … Wikipédia en Français
Astrophysics Data System — Logo of the ADS The Astrophysics Data System (usually referred to as ADS), developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is an online database of over eight million astronomy and physics papers from both peer reviewed and … Wikipedia
Radio Data System — The RDS Logo Radio Data System, or RDS, is a communications protocol standard for embedding small amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcasts. RDS standardises several types of information transmitted, including time,… … Wikipedia
Satellite Data System — The Satellite Data System (SDS) is a system of United States military communications satellites. At least two generations have been used: SDS 1 from July 1976 to November 1995, and SDS 2 from 1989 to the present. SDS satellites have a highly… … Wikipedia
data system — noun system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization • Syn: ↑information system • Hypernyms: ↑system • Instance Hyponyms: ↑National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, ↑NASDAQ … Useful english dictionary
Data protection (privacy) laws in Russia — is a rapidly developing branch of the Russian legislation. All the basic legal acts in this field have been enacted most recently, mainly in the 2005 2006. The present article is an attempt to summarise the substance and main principles of the… … Wikipedia
Data Radio Channel — Le Data Radio Channel (DARC) est un standard de diffusion de données numériques sur une sous porteuse d une radio FM, de façon comparable au Radio data system (RDS) mais avec un débit significativement plus important. Le DARC a été développé au… … Wikipédia en Français
data processor — noun a machine for performing calculations automatically • Syn: ↑computer, ↑computing machine, ↑computing device, ↑electronic computer, ↑information processing system • Derivationally related forms: ↑compute ( … Useful english dictionary
communication — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Act of communicating ideas Nouns 1. communication, intercourse, conversation, speech, writing, correspondence; message, tidings, news(see information). 2. communicator, messenger, nuncio; herald, crier,… … English dictionary for students
Communication theory — is a field of information and mathematics that studies the technical process of information[1] and the human process of human communication.[2] Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins … Wikipedia
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence — (CETI) is a branch of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence that focuses on composing and deciphering messages that could theoretically be understood by another technological civilization. The best known CETI experiment was the 1974… … Wikipedia